Enquiry for Purchase 採購查詢

The following are suppliers of toys and electronic
demonstrated in BachCode Science Toys and DIY Robot blog.
They are either sponsoring BachCode by providing sample kits, or where we bought the toys.

Sponsors are never be enough.
Bachcode always aims to share more fun of playing science toy and DIY robots.
Interested suppliers who are kind enough to sponsor BachCode, please contact us.
Your contribution is greatly appreciated!

Bachcode一貫致力於玩科學玩具和DIY機器人, 分享更多的樂趣。
Tel:  (852) 3971 7410 (Ms. Wong)
Mail Add: Room 1002-3, 10/F, Kowloon Building, 555 Nathan Road, Hong Kong

項目 Item 購物點 Purchase Point 文章/視頻 Article/Video
Taobao Shop - Funuino Arduino Joystick to Control LED and Servo 操縱桿來控制LED和舵機

(video 視頻)

Taobao Shop - Optimus Prime Robot Avoids Obstacle 能避過路障的 步行機械人
Taobao Shop - TMall.com Design of Mail-Box Alert System with Science Toys 以 科學玩具教材 設計 信箱通報系統

(video 視頻)

和昌礼品 DIY Bike Model DIY自行車模型

