
"Zero-Carbon World" Preview Green East Kowloon 「零碳天地」預覽綠色東九龍

(Sing Tao Daily reported) Kowloon East project launched by the government, aiming at Kowloon East, including Kwun Tong, Kowloon Bay area activated into a new business district, to promote the greening of a number of environmental work in the area of Kowloon East. One of the project, "Zero-Carbon World", with advanced green building design as selling points, is a small pilot to be big inspiration for the future development of regional environmental direction.

Zero Carbon World has made ​​Hong Kong Green Building Award and the initial assessment for the highest certification level of green building environmental assessment of BEAM PLUS Platinum, a more general construction to reduce energy consumption by up to 45 percent.

First phase provides a wide public open space to Kwun Tong and nearby residents, and more specifically has added a tower to environmental protection and greening ideas. One of the layers, in irregular appearance reflecting of the piles of recycling waste paper on the pier, is a symbol of the reuse concept of environmental protection.  This tower has now become a landmark of the Kwun Tong Waterfront Promenade. The design concept also promotes environmental awareness, and also specifically to drip history of the cargo handling area into the new building. Therefore this is more representative of the community of Kwun Tong. Phase II will be extended from the existing Kwun Tong waterfront promenade with further region of seven hundred fifty meters. The project will be set up jogging facilities, a pavilion and cafe about to be completed by the end of 2014.


零碳天地已取得香港環保建築獎並經初步評審為綠色建築環保評核系BEAM PLUS的白金級最高認證級別,較一般建築減少能源消耗高達百分之四十五。

第一期除為觀塘及附近居民提供了一個寬闊的公共休憩空間,更特地加入了一幢以環保和綠化為意念的塔樓,其一層層不規則的外觀映照 當日碼頭上一疊疊的回收廢紙,象徵重用的環保理念。此塔樓現已成為觀塘海濱長廊的地標,設計除宣傳環保理念,也特意將貨物起卸區的點滴和歷史加入新建築,讓此地更能代表觀塘這個社區。第二期將會從現時的觀塘海濱長廊伸延多七百五十米,計畫將增設緩步跑設施、涼亭和咖啡室等,約2014年年底完成。

chart from: http://jgospel.net/news/tech/香港首座造價2-4億零碳建築將於明年落成.c38809.aspx

10 Strange DIY Robots 10個奇怪的DIY的機器人

PCMAG.com introduce ten strange (but funny) DIY Robots.

For example, #6, Owi Roly Poly Robot Kit

The Owi Roly Poly Robot Kit may look like a yo-yo, but there's no "walking the dog" here. Once you assemble its 20 parts, this robot can tumble, stumble, and fall but always manages to right itself. You can even personalize Roly Poly by drawing a picture of someone you love (or hate) and inserting it in the robot's dome. Although it's meant as an educational activity for students, this kit is definitely unusual. See what this robot can do for $22.95 from RoboToys.com.

source: www.pcmag.com (10 Strange DIY Robots )


例如,#6,OWI Roly Poly 機器人套件
OWI Roly Poly 機器人套件可能看起來就像一個溜溜球,但有沒有“遛狗”。一旦你組裝的20件,這個機器人可以用跌倒,但總是有辦法糾正自己。你甚至可以個性化Roly Poly 畫一個你愛的人(或討厭)的圖片,並插入機器人的圓頂。雖然它意味著作為一個學生的教育活動,這套件肯定是不同尋常的。見這個機器人可以 US$22.95美元從RoboToys.com購買。

來源:www.pcmag.com (10個奇怪的DIY的機器人)

TV Show -- "Inside the Human Body" 電視節目 --《「體」真D》

"Inside the Human Body" is a deeply personal story – the story of how our unique and amazing bodies make us who we are. Using breathtaking CGI, each programme begins inside a different human microcosm, providing a unique insight into our bodies and taking us on an astonishing journey through both space and time to show how different parts of our anatomy have evolved.

一連四集的《「體」真D》將揭示人體內的奧秘。節目利用以真實影像造成的高科技電腦圖像,協助主持人Michael Mosley引領觀眾們進行一次「人體研究旅程」,解構人類的生物構造,介紹人類由出生至死亡一刻,人體內有甚麼神乎奇技,值得人類自己去留意。

Source: 來源:


Protect Yourselves on P2P, Online Media and Mobile Netoworks 在P2P,網絡媒體和移動網絡上要保護自己

Thanks one of partners for his kindness to give me a good security books "Modern Malware for Dummies" in an information security conference in May.

As a security product manager in IT industries, I found most enterprise in Hong Kong are well equipped with necessary security means to protect their business system and internal staffs. However, there is still a lot of end-users is not sensitive enough on potential security threats. Also, IT security education is a subset of Science education. I would like to recommend this book to secondary school and university students.

感謝合作夥伴他的好意,在5月的信息安全會議,給我一本具有參考價值書籍“Modern Malware for Dummies”。


One of the chapter: "Why traditional security solutions fail to control modern malware"
Unintended Consequences of Social Media

Although I am a blogger :), I still need to tell you this truth.

Mobile phone users love to download unknown games and applications.  These are high threats against corporate network as well.
Thanks again for my partner giving me this book.