"Inside the Human Body" is a deeply personal story – the story of how our unique and amazing bodies make us who we are. Using breathtaking CGI, each programme begins inside a different human microcosm, providing a unique insight into our bodies and taking us on an astonishing journey through both space and time to show how different parts of our anatomy have evolved.
一連四集的《「體」真D》將揭示人體內的奧秘。節目利用以真實影像造成的高科技電腦圖像,協助主持人Michael Mosley引領觀眾們進行一次「人體研究旅程」,解構人類的生物構造,介紹人類由出生至死亡一刻,人體內有甚麼神乎奇技,值得人類自己去留意。
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